
2024년 하계 국제학술대회 안내

경제사학회 사무국
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<<2024 Korean Economic History Society Summer International Conference>>

KEHS 2024 Summer Int’l Conference

Theme: The Uneven Process of Development

  • Date: Friday, August 23, 2024
  • Venue: KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Sejong, Korea
  • Host: Korean Economic History Society
  • Co-host: Research Center for Small Business Ecosystem,Inha University


9:00 – 9:10 Opening remarks

PARK, Kyungro (Kyungpook University, Korea, President of the Korean Economic History Society)

09:10 - 10:30 Session 1. SME Reservation Policy in Korea

1-1. KIM, MInho (Korea Development Institute)

“The Economic Effects of Designating Suitable Business Areas for SMEs”

  • Discussant: LIM, Heehyun (Korea Development Institute)

1-2. WON, Cheongyeon (Seoul National University)

“Sanctuary for SMEs: Static and Dynamic Effects of the SME Reservation Policy in 1980s Korea” (with Nathan Lane, Krisztina Orban, and Changkeun Lee)

  • Discussant: CHO, Sunghun (Korea Institute of Economic Policy)

10:40 - 12:00 Session 2. Political Economy of Colonialism and War

2-1. KIM, Duol (Myongji University)

“Identity Choice under Coercion: Responses to the Name Change Policy in Colonial Korea, 1940-1945” (with Dohyung Kim and Sung Nam Kim)

  • Discussant: SEO, Minyoung (Korea Energy Economics Institute)

2-2. JOO, Hojung (Harvard University, USAl)

“Sacrifices Uncompensated: Vietnam War Casualties and Regional Development in South Korea”

  • Discussant: CHOI, Eunji (Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements)

13:00 - 13:40 Session 3. Policy Insights

JANG, Youngwook (Korea Institute of Economic Policy)

“HIstorical Cases of Post-war Reconstruction: Lessons for Recovery of Ukraine”

13:50 - 15:10 Session 4. Graduate Student Presentations and Mentoring

  • KIM, Haeun (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)

  • EIN, Kyunghwan (Inha University)

  • DANG, Thi Kim Dung (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)

  • CHO, Jaebin (Chung Ang University)

15:20 - 16:40 Session 5. Education

5-1. PARK, Sangyoon (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR)

“Building Bureaucracy Through Education”

  • Discussant: YANG, Hyunjoo (Sogang University)

5-2. LIU, Ying (Northwest A & F University, China)

“Protestantism, Institutional Change, and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Shandong Province in Early 20th-Century China”

  • Discussant: WON, Cheongyeon (Seoul National University)

16:50 - 18:10 Session 6. Innovation

6-1. KIM, Chan (University of Maryland, USA)

“From Research to Development: How Globalization Shapes Corporate Innovation”

  • Discussant: LEE, Changkeun (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)

6-2 JUN, Bogang (Inha University)

“Meet me in the middle: The reunification of Germany's research network”

  • Discussant: WOO, Hyeyoung (Korea Development Institute)